Archived News and Events
The collaboration between IMISCOE Member Institutes is based on a Consortium Agreement. The IMISCOE Network is led by the Board of Directors , which delegates most of its tasks to the IMISCOE Coordinator. The Coordinator is supported by a Network Office...
- Category: about IMISCOE
Being an individual member of IMISCOE gives access to various benefits and opportunities. Some benefits are only available to persons who are associated to an IMISCOE institute as researcher, PhD or student. These are addressed under the section...
- Category: about IMISCOE
IMISCOE Network consists of 68 member institutes: AMIS (Centre for Advanced Migration Studies), University of Copenhagen, Denmark ARC-M (Amsterdam Research Centre-Migration), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands BICC (Bonn International Centre for...
- Category: about IMISCOE
IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) is the largest interdisciplinary network of scholars in the field of migration. The research network currently consists of 68 research institutes from different countries around the world and from...
- Category: about IMISCOE
The IMISCOE Editorial Committee presides over the IMISCOE-Springer Research Series. Their task includes reviewing proposals and manuscripts submitted for publication in the series, recruiting prospective new works and advising on the series’ editorial...
- Category: about IMISCOE