PhD Blog
In the journey towards a PhD, experiences of (presumed) recurring ‘failures’ are constant companions. As members of the IMISCOE PhD Network Board, we began to talk about failure two years ago, united by a shared struggle with imposter syndrome, feelings...
In the ongoing effort to disrupt oppressive relations in academia, there is a call to centre the body as a departure point from where to situate (and unsettle) the interweaved relationship between knowledge and power. Considering the body as an...
In this blog piece, Hazar Deniz Eker , a PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, interviews Léopold Lambert , a trained architect and editor-in-chief of the Funambulist Magazine . The interview focuses on how multimodal research can contribute to...
Special Issue "Towards Engaged Migration Research 2024
The Kabyle, the Indigenous Amazigh people of Algeria, face unique challenges in contributing to the ongoing research on migration. It is a rarity to encounter a paper about Kabyle migrants in established migration studies journals authored by a Kabyle...
“We are Black, Indian, Mestiza, Sudaka, racialised flesh. We reject your PDFs and your disembodied lectures. We deny every trend of being and return to listening to each other, looking each other in the eye, telling each other stories, and building from...
My PhD project combines participatory visual methods with ethnography and archival research to understand the meaning of the border for its inhabitants. As a sub-study of the Reel Borders ERC project, I hosted Participatory Filmmaking (PF) workshops to...
When a six-page interim order by the Indian Supreme Court displayed inhumanity in sending Rohingyas to Myanmar, where human rights violations are still ongoing, a 56-page judgment paved the way for a new era of refugee jurisprudence based strongly on...
Halfway through a nearly two-hour commute to the outskirts of the capital city of Delhi, India where I was to meet with a group of community leaders, I was overcome by a sudden feeling of nervousness. It was the first month of my fieldwork, conducting...
Transdisciplinary research is essential to understand how migration management measures impact refugees and how refugees challenge these measures in their everyday struggles. As Martiniello (2022) described, ‘[t]ransdisciplinarity implies that each...