The Migration Politics and Governance (MigPoG) Standing Committee (SC) takes a broad and comprehensive approach to the study of migration policy, one which aims at promoting dialogue between scholars focusing on the politics and governance of migration. MigPoG starts from the assumption that in a context of increasing politicisation of migration, governance and politics should be thematised as the two facets of the same coin. The SC has the ambition of covering migration policy in a broad sense, including immigration, emigration, border control, integration, asylum seekers and refugees etc.
From a geographical point of view, MigPoG intends to contribute to the overcoming of the national-government and receiving country-centred bias of much research on migration policy, which is still highly characterised by a Eurocentric (or more broadly West-centric) approach. From a disciplinary perspective, the SC aims at catalysing scholars working on migration policy from different approaches, reflecting an understanding of policy as the product of the interaction between multiple actors. MigPoG will also include different methodological approaches to the study of migration politics and governance, and more specifically both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Through its broad definition of migration policy, ample geographical scope and critical approach to politicisation dynamics, MigPoG intends to contribute to the development of the field of migration policy studies in the sense of a greater integration between the political and governance facets of migration policy and policy-making.
Names of coordinators

Cathrine Talleraas
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Maria Schiller
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Zeynep Aydar
PhD representative
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Agenda of activities
The MigPOG SC promotes two types of activities
- SC panels and members meeting to be organised within the Annual IMISCOE General Conference
- Mid-term conferences (every two years and on specific themes)
1. Panels at the Annual IMISCOE General Conference
The SC issues every year, on the basis of the IMISCOE Annual General Conference calendar, a call for panels with the aim of 1) attracting the participation of new groups and scholars who are working on specific facets of the politics and governance of migration; 2) providing an opportunity for the SC’s internal Working Groups to present the results of their work. A list of possible topics of interest will be specified in the call, e.g. political parties in migration politics, migration governance in specific areas of the world, social movements’ mobilisation, etc.
During the General Conference the SC also runs a business meeting to keep track of its activities, discuss new initiatives and develop future strategy. The meetings are open to the chairs of other SCs to explore possible synergies and common initiatives.
2. Mid-term conferences
Depending on the availability of member institutes, mid-term conferences are organised regularly (at least every two years) with the goal of discussing papers on a specific theme regarding cutting-edge dimensions and approaches to the relation between politics and governance of migration. Conference themes will be decided by the Steering Group and will be broad enough to allow for the participation of MigPoG members and external scholars on the basis of a call for papers. Mid-term conferences will be also an opportunity for discussing possible research proposals and publication projects, as well as more generally the SC’s future plans.
The MIGPoG SC’s activities will lead to two types of outputs
- High quality publications in peer-reviewed international journals and/or peer-reviewed book series
- Research proposals to be submitted for competitive funding calls, such as Horizon 2020.
1. Publications
Through the organisation of panels and mid-term conferences, the SC aims at supporting high quality publications like special issues in international peer-reviewed and highly ranked journals and peer reviewed book series. Open Access publications are particularly welcomed and supported also with small contributions to the publication fees, especially if led by PhD students and young post-docs (within 3 years from the PhD thesis defence) who do not have access to other sources of funding.
2. Projects proposals
Along with publications, the SC supports the formation of internal Working Groups whose main goal is to produce research project proposals to be submitted to competitive calls for funding. Depending on the available budget, the SC covers expenses for the participation of PhD students and/or young post-docs to working groups’ meetings.