
  • 2023: Naiara Rodriguez-Pena

    The Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2023 has been awarded to Naiara Rodriguez-Pena for her paper on "Aspiring to be ‘here’ and ‘there’: Conflicting intrinsic and instrumental migration aspirations". Naiara is an early stage researcher within the EJD...
  • 2022: Asaf Augusto, Elisa Alves, Russell King & Jorge Malheiros

    During the conference jury members decided unanimously that the winners of the Award were Asaf Augusto, Elisa Alves, Russell King & Jorge Malheiros, for their work on “Reciprocal migration: the coloniality of recent two-way migration links between...
  • 2019: Lea Müller-Funk

    Dr. Lea Müller-Funk was awarded the IMISCOE - Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2019 for her paper "Investigating mobility aspirations of refugees in fragile political contexts: Ethical reflections and methodological choices.” Dr. Lea Müller-Funk was...
  • 2018: Sarah Nimführ and Buba Sesay

    The Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2018 has been awarded to Sarah Nimführ and Buba Sesay for their paper entitled: “Lost in Limbo? Moving Contours and Practices of Settlements of Non-Deportable Refugees in the Mediterranean Area.”
  • 2017: René Kreichauf

    The winner was René Kreichauf's paper, ‘From Forced Migration to Forced Arrival: The Campisation of Refugee Accommodation Centres in European Cities’.