CERC - Policy Brief: Migration Governance and Data Saturation: Is Less More?

No. 09, September 2022
Younes Ahouga

With advances in technology and the ability to capture and analyse more data, we expect that our ability to see underlying trends will simply improve.  Author of CERC Migration’s Policy Brief 09, Younes Ahouga, makes the case for the opposite:  with too much data we achieve oversaturation and the potential for inefficiencies and the risk we may actually cause harm to the people we are observing. Younes’s Policy Brief is eye-opening and is a must-read for all organizations who are on a mission to lead in the information arms race.

The policy brief is available here: www.torontomu.ca/cerc-migration/Policy/CERCMigration_PolicyBrief09_SEP2022.pdf 

This Policy Brief series is curated by Naomi Alboim, Senior Policy Fellow for CERC Migration, and Ann Triandafyllidou, Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration, with the aim to provide background and policy advice on critical issues that are facing policy decision makers around the world.  

Please visit www.torontomu.ca/cerc-migration if you would like more information on the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration program at the Toronto Metropolitan University.

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