Event: Research Communication with an Impact

Join the event "Research Communication with an Impact: Different tools for different audiences" with Professor Researcher Kristian Berg Harpvinken (PRIO, Norway), as part of the Mapping Out project activities.

Science communication operates at many stages and for many different audiences.  Effective science communication with diverse audiences involves translating complex information into a language and format that non-experts can understand (Marino and Dragan, 2018). In this talk, Prof. Harpvinken reflects on the importance to tailor scientific communications to the intended audience to ensure that the communication product achieves its goals, especially when communicating with nonexpert audiences (Hutchins, 2020).

Kristian Berg Harpviken is a Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and holds a PhD in Sociology. Harpviken is a long-time student of Afghanistan and the surrounding region. His main research interests are wartime migration, transnational movements and mobilization, regional security, and the dynamics of civil war. He is a frequently used media commentator and lectures regularly to both scholarly and popular audiences. He is the author of Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan (Palgrave MacMillan, 2009), and (with Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh), A Rock Between Hard Places: Afghanistan as an Arena of Regional Insecurity (Hurst, 2016).

The event will take place on the 22nd of February, from 14h-15.30 (GMT), at Iscte (Auditório Afonso de Barros)

 You can find more information about the event here.

 Please feel free to share this event with your colleagues and networks.

 Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

This activity is part of the Mapping out project, coordinated by Thais França and sponsored by EEA Grants Portugal