Post-doctoral position in Citizenship/Migration studies at the University of Côte d'Azur

Post-doctoral position at the International and European Law Laboratory, University of Côte d'Azur (Nice, France)

This research project (public law) investigates the effects of migration on the evolution of the human boundaries of democracy (DEMIG). Citizenship inclusion and exclusion of immigrants and emigrants are mechanisms used by States to legally define the boundaries of their democratic people through the movement of individuals. This project, therefore, intends to invest the double question of citizenship and migration, under-investigated in public law, to study how the demos is constituted when confronted with migration movement. Based on a global sample of about twenty States, determined by quantitative and qualitative criteria, the project has three objectives. On the normative level, the first objective is to unpack the formation of the demos through the movement of individuals. The research project observes how the relationship between states and their emigrants and immigrants is structured, and in particular the respective weight of belonging (nationality) and territory (residence), mediated by temporal and cultural factors. The project also wishes to study how converging traits run through the categories of emigrants and immigrants: in particular wealth, gender and origin. Historically, the second objective is to evaluate representations in the construction of democracies. In particular, the aim is to observe how emigrants and immigrants have exchanged roles throughout history (emigrants previously known as traitors to their homeland become soft power assets of the country; immigrants previously considered as citizens become undesirable and excluded individuals). [3] Analytically, the third objective is to reveal the state of universalisation of citizenship, i.e., the capacity of citizenship to extend to all citizens (irrespective of their place of residence) and all residents (irrespective of their citizenship), thus raising the question of the real inclusiveness of democracy.

The person recruited will be expected to participate independently in the research project, under the direct coordination of the principal investigator. The main tasks will include:

- Participating in data collection and literature review in the field of the project;
- Authorship or co-authorship of articles and publications within the project and with project members;
- Participate in the organisation of the project's scientific events;
- Participate in the communication and dissemination of the project’s research and results, including on social networks and the project’s dedicated website.

More information on this position here.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation, should be sent to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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