Workshop at Annual Conference: The configuration of religion and religious identities in local contexts


Tuesday, July 3, 17.10-18.40 hrs. Room 40.109
Chair: Andreas Pott (IMIS, University of Osnabrück)


Laura Haddad & Ali Konyali (IMIS, University of Osnabrück)
Integrating Diversity or Equal Participation? Alternative Configrations of “Muslim” Subjects in Institutionalized Interfaith Dialogue
Giulia Mezzetti – (PhD Candidate in Sociology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
investigating local configurations of Islam - and of religious communities in general - in Milan and Turin, and how this may affect young Muslims' public participation.
Mariana Rosca – (PhD Candidate, University of Deusto)
The Spanish Muslim community in the local context of Madrid: between needs and policy answers

General Information

Religion is back on the agenda and particularly present in cities. Religious identities have always been part of the urban fabric. But today, in the age of migration and globalization, they are articulated in multiple, often contested ways. Assuming that both local conditions and the variety of social fields and actors are important factors in the configuration of religion and religious identities, we take a closer look at every day urban life. The workshop therefore focuses on the different political, administrative and societal “fields of action” in local contexts in which religion and religious identities are being produced according to different rationalities. To what extent are religious categories and references articulated differently within, for example, the field of local integration politics, local education, welfare administration, economic promotion, cultural promotion or within the many domains of civil society’s activities? How do these different constructions interact with each other? Working on these questions, we also want to discuss possibilities of a comparison between different local paths and configurations regarding the specific places, institutions and spatialities, where religion is becoming visible or is made visible.
By doing so, this workshop builds upon a very insightful research panel that was held during the 14th IMISCOE annual conference in Rotterdam under the title: “The production and negotiation of religion in post-migrant cities”. Inspired by the local turn in migration studies the panel looked at the multi-layered production of religion in and through cities, urban policies and particular urban spaces. We have thereby started addressing a remaining research gap within IMISCOE. The aim of this workshop is therefore to lay the foundations of a new research group that collectively works on the relationship between religion, religious identities and local contexts.


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