Cover of The local dimension of migration policymaking
Category: IMISCOE Reports Series
Publisher: AUP
Pages: 204
ISBN: 9789089642325
Year: 2010
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This book prompts a fresh look on immigrant integration policy. Revealing just where immigrants and their receiving societies interact everyday, it shows how societal inclusion is administered and produced at a local level. The studies presented focus on three issue areas of migration policy - citizenship, welfare services and religious diversity - and consider cities in very different national contexts. Spanning Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada, the cases display great variety in their theoretical and methodological approaches. In all the countries considered, we see that the local level has an undeniable relevance despite differences in state structures, models of integration and centre-peripheral relations. Particularly for future migration policy research, such a complex comparative exercise thus yields an important universal realisation: the local dimension of migration policymaking matters.


Introduction: the local dimension of migration policymaking
Maren Borkert and Tiziana Caponio

1 Naturalisation politics in Switzerland: explaining rejection rates at the local level
Marc Helbling

2 Grassroots multiculturalism in Italy: Milan, Bologna and Naples compared
Tiziana Caponio

3 Young immigrants’ low participation in the German vocational training system: how local actors in Munich and Frankfurt/Main try to make a difference
Can M. Aybek

4 Local policies concerning unemployment among immigrant youth in Amsterdam and in Berlin: towards strategic replacement and pragmatic accommodation
Floris Vermeulen and Rosanne Stotijn

5 Managing religious pluralism in Canadian cities: mosques in Montreal and Laval
Aude-Claire Fourot

Conclusion: making sense of local migration policy arenas
Tiziana Caponio

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