Migration in A Globalised World
New Research Issues and Prospects

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Kamel Doraï, Cédric Audebert
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 224
- ISBN: 9789048510986
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2010
The last two decades have witnessed sweeping changes in the composition, orientation and dynamics of international migration. While it's no surprise these transformations affect societies of origin and settlement, we still seek to understand how and why they carry with them certain social challenges. Migration in a Globalised World shines a light. Ten chapters astutely present theoretical and empirical insights by experts in the fields of international migration and social cohesion, transnationalisation, the migration-development nexus and the ever-blurring categories of refugee and asylum seeker. With its broad thematic scope and lively dialogue between French, Anglo-Saxon and Northern European academic traditions, this volume offers a major new perspective to further research and, potentially, to improve the quality of life in a globalised world.
Table of contents
1 International migration in the era of globalisation: recent issues and new concerns for research
Cédric Audebert and Mohamed Kamel Doraï
2 European research on international migration and settlement of immigrants: a state of the art and suggestions for improvement
Rinus Penninx
3 Unacceptable realities: public opinion and the challenge of immigration in a Franco-American comparison
Roger Waldinger
4 Culture and politics: the Danish cartoon controversy within migration and colonial spaces
Sari Hanafi
5 Transnationalisation: its conceptual and empirical relevance
Thomas Faist
6 The contribution of migration studies and transnationalism to the anthropological debate: a critical perspective
Alessandro Monsutti
7 New migratory configurations: transnationalism/s, diaspora/s, migratory circulation
Stéphane de Tapia
8 Migration and development over twenty years of research: progress and prospects
Ronald Skeldon
9 International migration and territorial (re)construction: the place and role of migrants as 'frontier runners' in development
Patrick Gonin
10 Forced migration and asylum: stateless citizens today
Michel Agier
11 Forced migration in Africa: a new but overlooked category of refugees
Véronique Lassailly-Jacob
12 International migration in the twenty-first century: towards new research perspectives
Cédric Audebert and Mohamed Kamel Doraï