A Continent Moving West?
EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Richard Black, Marek Okólski, Godfried Engbersen , Christina Pantîru
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 344
- ISBN: 9789089641564
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2010
A Continent Moving West? explores the expansion of migration from countries in Eastern Europe following their accession to the European Union. Fifteen expertly authored chapters address head-on what the consequences of large-scale migration have been since 2007. The analysis is conducted for both origin countries, notably Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, and destination countries, including the UK, the Netherlands and Norway. Particular attention is given to labour market impacts, while also discussing migration policies emerging throughout the continent. Overall, this book testifies to how many of the migration patterns so far generated are temporary, circular or seasonal, thus warranting the label 'incomplete' or 'liquid'. Yet, the fluid nature of such movements is expected to continue, making forecasts for future migration - and its repercussions - highly unreliable. One thing is clear: conventional notions of migration as a one-way, permanent or long-term process are increasingly becoming wide of the mark.
Table of contents
1 Introduction - Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe
Godfried Engbersen, Marek Okólski, Richard Black and Cristina Panţîru
2 Working conditions for Polish construction workers and domestic cleaners in Oslo: Segmentation, inclusion and the role of policy
Jon Horgen Friberg
3 Patterns and determinants of sub-regional migration: A case study of Polish construction workers in Norway
Joanna Napierała and Paulina Trevena
4 What’s behind the figures? An investigation into recent Polish migration to the UK
Stephen Drinkwater, John Eade and Michal Garapich
5 Markets and networks: Channels towards the employment of Eastern European professionals and graduates in London
Krisztina Csedő
6 ‘A van full of Poles’: Liquid migration from Central and Eastern Europe
Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel and Jan de Boom
7 Direct demographic consequences of post-accession migration for Poland
Marta Anacka and Marek Okólski
8 Brains on the move? Recent migration of the highly skilled from Poland and its consequences
Paweł Kaczmarczyk
9 Skills shortage, emigration and unemployment in Poland: Causes and implications of disequilibrium in the Polish labour market
Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska
10 Optimising migration effects: A perspective from Bulgaria
Eugenia Markova
11 Return migration and development prospects after EU integration: Empirical evidence from Bulgaria
Vesselin Mintchev and Venelin Boshnakov
12 Transitioning strategies of economic survival: Romanian migration during the transition process
Swanie Potot
13 Modernising Romanian society through temporary work abroad
Dumitru Sandu
14 Pressure of migration on social protection systems in the enlarged EU
Krzysztof Nowaczek
15 The EU Directive on Free Movement: A challenge for the European welfare state?
Wolfgang Ochel