Cover of Identity Processes and Dynamics in Multi-Ethnic Europe
Category: IMISCOE Research Series
Publisher: AUP
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9789048506316
Library: IMISCOE Research Series
Year: 2010
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This volume explores the changing face of identity in the constantly shifting world of postcolonial and multiethnic contemporary Europe. The authors included in this text come from disciplines as diverse as cultural studies, anthropology, American studies, and social psychology, and the empirical case studies they explore cover terrain just as far-ranging—the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, the Basque country in Spain, and the United Kingdom, among others. Methods and materials vary from ethnographic analysis to quantitative surveys of attitudes and identity, and the introductory and closing chapters present an overview of recent trends in research on collective identity and disciplinary identity studies, respectively.


1 Identity and inter-ethnic relations
Charles Westin
2 Jews in the Netherlands and their various ties with Judaism
Marlene de Vries
3 A streetcar named desire: Lifestyle and identity of street kids in multi-ethnic Rotterdam   
by Flip Lindo
4 Discrepant perceptions on health and education issues in the Basque Country: del dicho al hecho ...
Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz
5 Are you who you know? A network perspective on ethnicity, gender and transnationalism. Albanian-speaking migrants in Switzerland and returnees in Kosovo
Janine Dahinden
6 From local inter-ethnicities to the dynamics of the world-system: identity debates between Portuguese and British Sunnis in Leicester
Susana Bastos
7 Introduction to a study of comparative interethnic relations: The cases of Portugal and Britain
Nuno Dias
8 Frontier identity in Portugal and Russia: a comparative perspective on identity-building in semi-peripheral societies
Mário Artur Machaqueiro
9 The Goan elites from Mozambique: migration experiences and identity narratives during the Portuguese colonial period
Marta Vilar Rosales
10 Identity, integration and associations: Cape Verdeans in the metropolitan area of Lisbon
João Sardinha
11 Cape Verdeanness as a complex social construct: analysis of ethnicity through complexity theory
Pedro Góis
12 Different children of different gods: a structural-dynamic approach to using religion in processes of differentiated social insertion
José Bastos
13 What are we talking about when we talk about identities?
José Bastos and Susana Bastos

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