Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations
Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Mónica Méndez, Joan Font,
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 296
- ISBN: 9789089645432
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2013
What are the special problems involved in surveying immigrant populations and ethnic minorities? How can we ensure adequate representation of these growing groups in general population surveys? This book is the first to address these challenges in a systematic way. Experiences from eight Western countries, involving more than a dozen surveys, are used to explore difficulties in designing these types of surveys and some of the choices made to deal with them. The rich array of cases covered gives rise to valuable lessons, from local and national surveys, from well-funded surveys and those with limited means, and on a wide variety of topics ranging from politics to health.
1 Introduction: The methodological challenges of surveying populations of immigrant origin
Joan Font and Mónica Méndez
2 Designing high-quality surveys of ethnic minority groups in the United Kingdom
Bob Erens
3 The 2007 Spanish National Immigrant Survey (ENI): Sampling from the Padrón
Ignacio Duque, Carlos Ballano and Carlos Pérez
4 Enhancing representativeness in highly dynamic settings: Lessons from the NEPIA survey
Sebastian Rinken
5 The influence of interviewers’ ethnic background in a survey among Surinamese in the Netherlands
Anja van Heelsum
6 Surveying migrants and migrant associations in Stockholm
Gunnar Myrberg
7 Comparing the response rates of autochthonous and migrant populations in nominal sampling surveys: The LOCALMULTIDEM study in Madrid
Laura Morales and Virginia Ros
8 Non-response among immigrants in Denmark
Mette Deding, Torben Fridberg and Vibeke Jakobsen
9 Immigration and general population surveys in Spain: The CIS surveys
Mónica Méndez, Marisa Ferreras and María Cuesta
10 An evaluation of Spanish questions on the 2006 and 2008 US General Social Surveys
Tom W. Smith
11 Under-representation of foreign minorities in cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys in Switzerland
Oliver Lipps, Francesco Laganà, Alexandre Pollien and Lavinia Gianettoni
12 Surveying immigrant populations: Methodological strategies, good practices and open questions
Mónica Méndez and Joan Font