Comparative Migration Studies, Volume 8

- Category: Journal CMS
- Publisher: Springer
- Library: Journal Comparative Migration Studies
- Year: 2020
Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal that provides a platform for articles that focus on comparative research in migration, integration, and race and ethnic relations. It presents readers with an extensive collection of comparative analysis, including studies between countries, groups, levels, and historical periods. CMS publishes research based on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. Contributions cover a wide disciplinary angle across the social sciences and the humanities. We are looking for articles that push present understanding of migration integration, and race and ethnic relations in new conceptual, methodological, and empirical directions.
Topics include, but are not limited to: migration and integration in relation to citizenship, national identity, refugee and asylum policy, social movements (pro and anti-immigration), gender, racialization, whiteness, ethnic and religious diversity and (post)colonialism.
- Immigration in the populist crucible: comparing Brexit and Trump
Christian Joppke - - Vielfalt and diversité: how local actors in France and Germany evaluate immigration and socio-cultural heterogeneity
Maria Schiller, Christine Lang, Karen Schönwälder & Michalis Moutselos - - A comparative study of parental knowledge and adaptation of immigrant youth
Elina Turjanmaa & Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti - - Comparing generations of migrants’ transnational behaviour: the role of the transnational convoy and integration
Jolien Klok, Theo van Tilburg, Tineke Fokkema & Bianca Suanet - - Shifts in the global migration order and migration transitions in Europe: the cases of Turkey and Russia
Franck Düvell - - Permanent or temporary settlement? A study on the short-term effects of residence status on refugees’ labour market participation
Kristoffer Jutvik & Darrel Robinson - - Intersecting social structures and human actors: Ganfoso refugees’ settling experiences and impact on children’s education
Beatrice Akua-Sakyiwah - - Public perception of human trafficking: a case study of Moldova
Ludmila Bogdan - - Education and social support: do migrants benefit as much as natives?
Jana Brandt & Kyra Selina Hagge -
- On uneven internationalisation, disciplinary diversity and interpretation of co-citation analysis - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Asya Pisarevskaya, Nathan Levy & Peter Scholten - - Blind men and the elephant: one view of the field of migration studies - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Josh DeWind - - Two cheers for Migration Studies - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Steven Vertovec - - An IMISCOE effect? The role of a network of excellence in developing European migration research in the twenty-first century - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Nathan Levy - - Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Eleonore Kofman - - On migration, geography, and epistemic communities - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Russell King - - Is migration a unique field of study in social sciences? A response to Levy, Pisarevskaya, and Scholten - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
James F. Hollifield - - Asian perspectives of migration: a commentary - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Yuk Wah Chan - - Wages, integration, migration motivation: cases of export industry employees in Tijuana and Tangiers-Tetouan
Kathryn Kopinak, Jenna Hennebry, Rosa Maria Soriano-Miras & Antonio Trinidad Requena - - Theorizing interactions of migrant transnationalism and integration through a multiscalar approach
Marta Bivand Erdal - - Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement - Special Issue: Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities
Caroline Oliver, Rianne Dekker, Karin Geuijen & Jacqueline Broadhead - - Between fragmentation and institutionalisation: the rise of migration studies as a research field - Commentary Series: The coming of age of migration studies: Debating the evolution and impact of a research field
Nathan Levy, Asya Pisarevskaya & Peter Scholten - - Different selection processes, different outcomes? Comparing labor market integration of asylum refugees, resettled refugees and their reunited family members in Finland
Jussi Tervola - - Social contact and encounter in asylum seeker reception: the Utrecht Refugee Launchpad - Special Issue: Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities
Caroline Oliver, Karin Geuijen & Rianne Dekker - - Hybrid identity and practices to negotiate belonging: Madrid’s Muslim youth of migrant origin
Colleen Boland - - The architecture of national boundary regimes: mapping immigration and citizenship policies in 23 democracies 1980–2010
Samuel D. Schmid - - Towards a typology of local migration diversity policies
Ilona van Breugel - - Multilevel governance in trouble: the implementation of asylum seekers’ reception in Italy as a battleground
Francesca Campomori & Maurizio Ambrosini - - Immigration policy mismatches and counterproductive outcomes: unauthorized migration to the U.S. in two eras - Special Issue: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
Douglas S. Massey - - (Dis)connecting migration: transnationalism and nationalism beyond connectivity - Special Issue: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
Magdalena Nowicka - - Three sub-Saharan migration systems in times of policy restriction
Cris Beauchemin, Marie-Laurence Flahaux & Bruno Schoumaker - - Naturalisation in context: how nationality laws and procedures shape immigrants’ interest and ability to acquire nationality in six European countries
Thomas Huddleston - - The role of labour market integration in migrants’ decisions about family reunification: a comparative study of Polish migrants in Norway, Sweden, and the UK
Oleksandr Ryndyk - - The Grandhotel Cosmopolis – a concrete utopia? Reflections on the mediated and lived geographies of asylum accommodation
Marielle Zill, Bas Spierings & Ilse Van Liempt - - Barcelona: municipalist policy entrepreneurship in a centralist refugee reception system - Special Issue: Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities
Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas & Dirk Gebhardt - - Building inclusive cities: reflections from a knowledge exchange on the inclusion of newcomers by UK local authorities - Special Issue: Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities
Jacqueline Broadhead - - After the refugee crisis: public discourse and policy change in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
Anniken Hagelund - - Young refugees and locals living under the same roof: intercultural communal living as a catalyst for refugees’ integration in European urban communities? - Special Issue: Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities
Rilke Mahieu & Rut Van Caudenberg - - Data and research to inform global policy: the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Special Issue: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
Ellen Percy Kraly & Bela Hovy - - Ambiguous goals, uneven implementation – how immigration offices shape internal immigration control in Germany
Caroline Schultz - - Another nexus? Exploring narratives on the linkage between EU external migration policies and the democratization of the southern Mediterranean neighbourhood - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length
Luisa Faustini-Torres - - Migration as one of several adaptation strategies for environmental limitations in Tunisia: evidence from El Faouar - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length
Karolina Sobczak-Szelc & Naima Fekih - - Emigrant citizenship, privileged local belonging and the option to return: Germans on the Turkish coast - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length
Margit Fauser - - Editorial: “Mediterranean thinking” for mapping a Mediterranean migration research agenda - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length
Ricard Zapata-Barrero - - Rethinking minority status and ‘visibility’ - Special Issue: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
Miri Song - - Commemorating the deadly other side of externalized borders through “migrant-martyrs”, sacrifices and politizations of (irregular) migration on the international migrants' day in Mali - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South
Almamy Sylla & Susanne U. Schultz - - Group status, geographic location, and the tone of media coverage: Jews and Muslims in New York Times and Guardian Headlines, 1985–2014
Hasher Nisar & Erik Bleich - - Framing migration in the southern Mediterranean: how do civil society actors evaluate EU migration policies? The case of Tunisia - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length
Ferruccio Pastore & Emanuela Roman - - Atypical citizenship regimes: comparing legal and political conceptualizations
Daniel Naujoks -