CMS: New cover, new submission system and new editorial board members

As part of the publication agreement with Springer, the journal Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) is undergoing a couple of changes aimed at further promoting its visibility and recognition as a platform for articles that focus on comparative research in migration, integration, and ethnic studies.

Recently the new cover was introduced. In addition a new submission system is now in place.

Finally, CMS is happy to anounce that three new members joined its editorial board: Dr. Christophe Bertossi from the French Institute of International Relations in Paris, France; Dr. Rahsaan Maxwell from the Department of Political Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, U.S.A and Professor Pieter Bevelander from the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare and the School of IMER at Malmö University, Sweden.

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