New PhD representative and workshop committee

IMISCOE is happy to announce the new representative, workshop committee and soundboard of the PhD network. As of September 2015, Juan Francisco Alvarado has taken over the position of being the IMISCOE PhD representative. Next to the new PhD representative, there are three new members of the PhD workshop committee: Floris Peters, Maria Kranendonk and Silvia Silva. Finally the new PhD soundboard has 8 members: Elida Cena, Marion Fischer-Neumann, Sophie Hinger, Mark van Ostaijen, Ilona van Breugel, Giulia Raimondo, Kristyna Peychlova and Ludmila Kopecka.

Short-Bio of the new PhD representative

Juan Francisco Alvarado (1984, Ecuador) is a PhD Candidate at the universities of Milan and Brescia. His ongoing project investigates the role of innovation and social networks as a characteristics of immigrant entrepreneurs. He has coordinated social projects for NGO’s, the Ecuadorian government and private consulters. Bachelor in Sociology and holder of a Master in Direction and Management of Social Projects from the University of Granada (ES) and a Joint European Master in International Migration and Social Cohesion offered by the Universities of Amsterdam (NL), Deusto (ES) and Osnabrück (D). Inside the IMISCOE PhD Network, he was appointed as the PhD Representative for the period 2015-2016. 

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