Network News
Did you participate in The IMISCOE Migration podcast survey? Bella has now wrapped up her research project and speaks about her findings on our podcast.
The objective of the Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA) is to provide an arena within IMISCOE for exchange on migrant transnationalism. The transnational turn was an innovation in migration studies and offered a new perspective for...
Meth@Mig provides a forum for discussing methodological approaches and tools in migration research and assessing the best options available for tackling manifold methodological challenges. The Standing Committee takes on a pluralist perspective as it...
DIVCULT aims to better understand the relevance of arts and culture in the theoretical and policy debates about immigrant incorporation and diversity in Europe and beyond. The main interests of the standing committee are a) artistic and cultural...
The Standing Committee on Immigration, Immigrants and Labour Markets in Europe (IILME) focuses on the links between increasing migration, labour market dynamics and access to welfare resources. These are central to the discourse on both immigration and...
The Standing Committee Education and Social Inequality aims at stimulating international comparative research on the intersections between education, (international) mobility and social inequality. It combines the research interests and experiences of...
The aim of this Standing Committee is to push forward a reflexive (and self-reflexive) perspective within migration studies. Given the growth, relevance and responsibility of migration studies, we strive to promote reflexivity in our research and to...
After our summer break, a new episode is out! Patrick Sakdapolrak spoke to Milena Belloni about his research on migration as a climate change adaptation strategy.
We invite submissions for a thematic cluster of the journal Comparative Migration Studies on “The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas” guest edited by Rainer Bauböck, Julia Mourão Permoser, Martin Ruhs and Lukas Schmid. We are looking for contributions...
In this 90 minutes event, we will briefly present an overview of the origins of the book and its innovative contribution to migration and social network research. We will then invite a panel of leading scholars in migration studies to lead a reflection...