Call for policy topics 2021: Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA)

Deadline: 31 May - 2021

The Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA) is IMISCOE’s evidence-based platform fostering sustained, regular policy dialogue between European stakeholders and researchers and facilitating evidence-based policymaking. Launched in 2018 by a unique partnership of research institutions and stakeholder platforms and initially funded by the H2020 programme, ReSOMA creates new opportunities for policy-relevant consultation around key topics.

Every year, ReSOMA identifies a number of salient policy topics in the areas of asylum, migration and integration where EU-level decisions are likely to be taken and there is available evidence coming from the stakeholders and researchers community. Once topics have been identified, researchers and stakeholders can network around available evidence and collaborate through joint initiatives.

IMISCOE researchers can directly contribute to the selection of topics for 2021 through this 2-minute survey. The survey is open until 31st May 2021.  


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