Reimagineering the Nation: Essays on Twenty-First-Century Sweden

A new publication by Aleksandra Ålund / Carl-Ulrik Schierup /Anders Neergaard (eds.), offers a critical analysis of neoliberal transformation as it has unfolded in Sweden, long regarded as exemplary in terms of social welfare, equality and an inclusive multicultural democracy.

The book presents a multidis-ciplinary exposition on Sweden, seen in a wider European perspective. It address-es changing frameworks of citizenship, welfare and democracy, migration and asylum, urban segregation and labour market segmentation and processes of securitization. It illuminates intersecting dimensions of class, gender and racializa-tion and juxtaposes xenophobic populism with new social justice and antirac-ist movements on a changing political stage. Addressing a growing alignment with retrogressive illiberal policies across Europe, the volume exposes the reach of the adverse direction in which European «integration» is currently heading.

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