News from Members
The University of Ottawa is recognized nationally and internationally as one of the best universities in the country and the largest bilingual university (French and English) in the world. Located on the unceded territory of Anishinabé-Algonquin people,...
The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the...
Location Abu Dhabi, UAE Open Date Nov 07, 2022 Description We are inviting applications for a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Social Science at NYU Abu Dhabi from those who have or will soon receive a PhD in one of the social sciences or a...
Call for papers: Migration and LGBTQI+ experiences – motivations, settlement, and collective actions
Despite repeated calls from scholars to challenge heteronormative assumptions in migration studies, much research still tends to disregard the significance of sexuality and gender in shaping migration pathways and settlement experiences. This is...
The Department of Migration and Globalization at University for Continuing Education is inviting two highly motivated and committed short-term research fellows from January 15th to March 31st 2023, for preparing a PhD research proposal related to two...
Assistant Professor in Social Geography and Reflexive Migration Studies (W1 with tenure track to W2)
The School of Cultural and Social Sciences, Institute of Geography at Osnabrück University seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor (m/f/d) in Social Geography and Reflexive Migration Studies at the earliest possible date. Upon meeting the general...
The hybrid kick-off event “Gender and skilled migration: Histories and changing modalities” (Prof. Eleonore Kofman and Prof. Parvati Raghuram) will take place on the 7th of November at 5pm. The event will be organized at Goethe University Frankfurt, but...
Extended Deadline: January 9th, 2023
Workshop to be held at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA-CSIC), Córdoba (Spain) March 30-31 st , 2023 Keynote speaker: Melanie Revilla (UPF) EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 9 th , 2023 The IMISCOE Standing Committee “Methodological Approaches...

The collection “Migration Research in a Digitized World” edited by Meth@Mig members {expert}|328||{/expert} and {expert}|1042||{/expert}, is now available in open access and in print. The book explores the implications of the digital revolution for...
17-18 November, 2022. Boğaziçi University. Keynote speakers: Joshua Blumenstock (Berkeley School of Information, University of California), Stefano Iacus (Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), Harvard University), and Xavier Vollenweider...