News from Members
MITRA is organizing writing retreats for PhD students throughout the academic year. The first sessions for 2023 are happening on Feb 6 th and Feb 20 th from 9.00 GMT to 14.00 GMT . For more information, please send an email to This email address is...
Deadline for application: 13 February 2023 The Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa is accepting applications for one post-doctoral researcher position as part of the European...
January 30, 2023
Online workshop “Integrating Reflexivities into Survey Research” Jointly organized by the IMISCOE Standing Committees Reflexivities in Migration Studies and Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research Keynote speakers: Jessica Hagen-Zanker...
Integrated in the International Seminar Cycle Migrations in Digital Space: experiences, transformations and resistance , the Seminar "Migrants' digital practices of creativity and resistance" takes place in the afternoon of February 2 via ZOOM . The...
The 6th China-Europe Research Platform on Chinese Migration to and Beyond Europe (CERPE ) Workshop – “In an Era of Uncertainties and New Opportunities: Chinese Migrations in Europe” – is hosted by CIES-Iscte (Centre for Research and Studies in...
Immigration is a hot topic in Europe, but research on the media effects on public attention with immigration remains limited. We explore how media coverage affects the degree of importance attached to immigration in seven Western European countries....
This lecture is a part of the lecture series under the theme “Female Skilled Labor Migration Across the Globe”. We are organizing our fourth (online) lecture “ Caring with emotion: Korean nurses in Germany ” by Prof. Yonson Ahn (Goethe University...
27-28 March 2023, Bonn, Germany Violent conflicts set people into motion and change existing social relations. More specifically, large-scale wars and localised conflicts not only force people to flee from violence but transform pre-existing mobility...
The EuroMedMig Office would like to announce the release of the Manifesto for a City Governance of Mediterranean Migration , which constitutes the Executive Summary of the main diagnoses, challenges, and recommendations collected from the EUMedMi...
Crises are generally characterized as the outcome of sudden developments which evoke some sort of threat, risk, and need for response --a momentary problem that eventually fades. As such, they disrupt the status quo and may bring serious policy...