The next 2022-2023 MIDEX Seminar Series will take place between October 2022 and June 2023. If you would like to deliver a seminar, please send a short bio note, a proposed title and a 100-150 word abstract to This email address is being protected from...
No. 09, September 2022 Younes Ahouga With advances in technology and the ability to capture and analyse more data, we expect that our ability to see underlying trends will simply improve. Author of CERC Migration’s Policy Brief 09, Younes Ahouga, makes...

We are glad to launch FIERI's annual documentary festival on migration. Here is the programme of this 18th edition. As last year, beside the offline screenings in Torino, you can also follow the festival for free on the Festivalscope platform. All...
PriMob Talks is a new initiative from the PriMob Research Initiative. It will consist of a series of short talks online on privileged migration and mobilities led by key experts, followed by an informal debate. Sessions will last only 1h. We are happy...
After a great first round of PhD Peer Feedback Sessions on Reflexivities in Migration Studies during the spring semester, we are now launching a second call to continue the sessions into the winter semester! The sessions are organized by PhD members of...
After our summer break, a new episode is out! Patrick Sakdapolrak spoke to Milena Belloni about his research on migration as a climate change adaptation strategy.
Deadline 31.10.2022
The book focuses on Heritage and Mobility in a Multisensory Perspective and the ambition is to bridge the gap between cultural heritage and mobility nexus analysing it through the lens of a multisensory approach. Additional information is available pdf...
Are you interested in working for a world top 100 University? The Department of Sociological Studies is committed to understanding society and social change, and to research and teaching that improves people's lives, especially those of the most...
13 October 2022, 10.30am-14.00pm (CET) Writing together to beat the ‘PhD blues’! Why a writing retreat? Inspired by many uplifting writing retreat initiatives that have been taking place lately, like the SC GenSe’s one, our standing committee is pleased...
Calendar : Deadline to send abstracts: September 15, 2022 Decision: September 30, 2022 Deadline to send articles in their first version: March 1st, 2023 Deadline to send articles in their final version: September 30, 2023 Publication: March 2024...