Standing Committees Blogs
by Calogero Giametta Migration research has historically conceived migrants as heterosexual, and rendered gender and sexual identity invisible. It is only recently that the intersection of queer and migration studies has produced critical knowledge...
by Rama Srinivasan Integration policies are often perceived in academic works as gatekeeping instruments but, while they can certainly be deployed as such, this framing does not fully represent the variety of immigrant perspectives in my study. My own...
by {expert}Halleh Ghorashi|||{/expert} Since 2015, the study of refugee inclusion has become a booming business. However, research and policies are still quite disconnected from refugees’ lives. Reflective infrastructures can help refugees, other...
by Cecilia Bruzelius and Isabel Shutes Over the recent years, there has been growing attention to cross-national migration in social policy research. Yet migration is often seen as external to the development of welfare systems. Moreover, the...
by Ipek Demir The seminal article by Wimmer and Glick Schiller laid the foundations of what came to be known as critical and reflexive migration studies scholarship. The article rightfully challenged methodological nationalism. I argue, however, that...
by Janine Dahinden , Aldina Camenisch and Robin Stünzi Research about migration has arguably been dominated by a western-, and nation-state-centered perspective. In response, reflexive debates on knowledge production have addressed methodological...
Twenty Years of ‘Reflexive’ Migration Studies: Approaches, Application and New Challenges A joint initiative of the IMISCOE Standing Committee Reflexivities in Migration Studies and the nccr – on the move . Blog Series Editors: Aldina Camenisch, Janine...