Standing Committees

Standing Committees involve research clusters that have been established for a longer period of time, and have a broad programme of activities and a broad audience that they serve within IMISCOE.

Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation

The Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation Standing Committee (MIGCITPOL) offers a unique forum to researchers working in the fields of migrants’ access to citizenship and political participation in sending and receiving societies. 

MIGCITPOL’s core mission is to compare how citizenship status and rights are legally regulated, and explore how the resulting institutional opportunity structure influences migrants’ access to naturalization and their political participation in home and host countries. Our SC thus combines a top-down analytical approach aiming to understand how underlying regulations regarding naturalization and enfranchisement evolve over time and across countries with a bottom-up focus on migrants’ practices of engagement in electoral and non-electoral mobilisations aiming at influencing the political decision-making process.

Our approach is comparative and aims to cover all regions of the world affected by international migration. It is also transnational, paying symmetric attention to immigrants and emigrants, and to the institutional context in origin and receiving countries. Finally, it is multilevel because we encourage out members to look beyond the nation-state as the sole provider of citizenship and political participation rights.
The founders and past coordinators of MIGCITPOL laid the foundations of a buoyant research agenda on migrants’ access to citizenship and political participation. Our core mission is not only to build upon and expand these lines of inquiry, but also to take them in decidedly fresh direction. 

Names of coordinators

Gianni D'Amato

Director of the Swiss Forum for Migration, and Population Studies and of the NCCR on the move, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) [Leading coordinator]

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Our Team of Coordinators

Jean-Thomas Arrighi de Casanova

Institut d'Histoire, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Ana Margheritis


Luicy Pedroza

El Colegio de México, Mexico


Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero

Tallinn University, Estonia

Names and institutional affiliations of (key) members 

To become a member, please contact Luicy Pedroza: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Daniela Vintila

Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege, Belgium

Angeliki Konstantinidou

University of Liege- CEDEM, Belgium

Samuel David Schmid

University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Antoine Bilodeau

Concordia University, Canada

Christophe Leclerc

Francesco Pasetti

CIDOB, Spain

Irina Ciornei

Jean-Michel Lafleur

Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FRS-FNRS), Belgium

Jeremias Stadlmair

Maarten Vink

European University Institute, Italy

Marco Martinello

Pau Palop-Garcia

University of Erfurt, Germany

Rainer Bauböck

Ricard Zapata-Barrero

GRITIM-University Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Salomon Bennour

Swantje Falcke

Tudi Kernalegenn

Laura Morales

Sciences Po, CEE, France

(Inci) Öykü Yener-Roderburg

Academy of International Affairs North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Victoria (Vicki) Finn

University of Oslo, Norway

Mari-Liis Jakobson

Leif Kaler

Santiago Pérez-Nievas

Veronica Riniolo

ISMU Foundation, Italy

Verena Wisthaler

EURAC Research , Afghanistan

Neil Hernandez

Eva Østergaard-Nielsen

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Carles Pamies

Sciences Po, France

Sofia Ntaliou

University College Dublin, Ireland

Nicolas Fliess

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany

Sajaudeen Nijmaodeen Chapparban

José Antonio Carrera Barroso

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico

Eva Fortes

Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Spain

Giorgia Trasciani

LEST, Aix-Marseille University , France

Sabah Mofidi

University of Amsterdam , Netherlands

Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Shannon GOUPPY

CEDEM, Belgium

Kate McMillan

Robin Harper

Sandra King-Savic

University of St.Gallen, Switzerland

Yossi Harpaz

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Kristýna Janurová

Charles University, Czech Republic

Willem Maas

York University, Canada


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Join this Standing Committee


Activities organized on a regular basis

  • Panels for the IMISCOE Annual Conferences (24 at the Lisbon 2024 IMISCOE Annual conference!).
  • MIGCITPOL collaborations with similarly oriented research networks within other academic associations (e.g. IPSA, ECPR, APSA, and ISA).
  • Bimonthly Online Cafés that flexibly respont to our PhD student members' interests and needs (meeting with senior scholars, discussing a pressing issue, sharing recommendations for networking, etc.).
  • Yearly thematic workshops on themes that currely interest our members and which are related to our core themes. We include not only European insitutions as hosts, but also first-class research institutes in the Global South.
  • Permanent recruitment of new members.


Our outputs correspond to our activities and are developed flexibly to meet the changing needs of our diverse and dynamic community. We propose and promote publications on cutting edge topics of citizenship, nationality and political participation. We promote the application of our preferred approaches (comparative, transnational, multilevel) to scholarly work on these issues. We dedicate time to building collaborations that will help PhD students in their professional development. We develop partnerships that potentiate new research agendas related to our core themes and we do this across regions!



Standing Committees News

  • Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. IV (Winter 2024)

    Organized by PhD members of the IMISCOE Standing Commitee "Reflexivities in Migration Studies", these sessions are designed to be a collaborative platform. Here, early career researchers can present their work, exchange feedback, debate methodological...
  • Vacancy Announcement: SC Reflexivities PhD Representative! 

    The IMISCOE Standing Committee „ Reflexivities in Migration Studies ” is calling for applications for the role of PhD representative in the governing board, to begin in October 2024. Being a PhD representative gives you the opportunity to shape the...
  • Greetings to All Participants of the 2024 IMISCOE Annual Conference

    We extend a warm welcome to each of you on behalf of the Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality! As advocates committed to addressing the complex interplay of education and social inequality within migration contexts, we're excited to...
  • SC Education and Social Inequality – New board member call (extension)

    Dear colleagues, We are pleased to share with you the opportunity to join our team. If you possess a keen interest in contributing to the activities of the SC and aspire to become a pivotal part of our collaborative efforts, we welcome your application....
  • SC EduSocial webinar – Learning about the publishing process!

    IMISCOE SC EduSocial webinar – Learning about the publishing process! 22 May 2024, 12.30am-13.30pm (CET) Meet the Editor: Sanam Roohi, Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) Why publishing? In the last decades, academia has been going through intense...

Coming up

1st–4th July 2025, Paris–Aubervilliers and online

22nd IMISCOE Annual Conference

Decentering migration studies

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