About the IMISCOE PhD Academy

More information about the PhD Academy and future plans! 

The IMISCOE PhD Academy 

The IMISCOE PhD Academy has been developed by the IMISCOE Training committee with input from the EB, BD, as well as the current Network Office and the next IMISCOE Coordinators. The Academy aims to support the IMISCOE PhD network community and is geared toward providing targeted migration research specific training and networking opportunities for PhD students within the broad field of migration studies. 

The IMISCOE PhD Academy is complementary to the PhD programs and schools which Doctoral candidates are enrolled in at their grant-giving institutions. The academy fills a gap in PhD training by offering targeted migration research related training and workshops on – among other, publishing, career development, applying for grants, post-PhD-life considerations, and networking. 

The IMISCOE PhD Academy strives to create an inclusive and diverse arena for PhD students in the broad field of migration studies, who desire to participate in an engaged program of exchange and learning, drawing on the combined strengths of the IMISCOE community. 

Future Plans 

The IMISCOE PhD Academy has several planned events for the rest of the 2021-2022 academic year. This includes a workshop focused on academic publishing, participating in IMISCOE's first ever PhD Day, as well as a networking event in connection to the IMISCOE Conference being held in July in Oslo.

In the face of climate consciousness and changed mobility preferences in the post-pandemic world, the IMISCOE PhD Academy will offer most of its activities online, but have one annual face-to-face meeting point among Academy members, in conjunction with the annual IMISCOE summer conference.