Swedish Research Council’s Graduate School in Migration and Integration Spring 2025

Two courses open for applications: 

  • The Political Economy of International Migration and Integration
  • Theories of Citizenship, Civil Society and Integration

The Political Economy of International Migration and Integration

Course leaders: Peo Hansen and Karin Krifors, REMESO, Linköping University.
Duration: 10 March–11 April 2025; On-campus week in Norrköping, 24–28 March
Language: English
Study pace: 100%
Application deadline: 10 February 2025

Course Description:
This course brings together experts from different fields to explore migration and integration through the lens of political economy. It offers various approaches, an economic-historical perspective on the current migration from the Global South to the Global North, the macroeconomics of migration, and the debates over its fiscal impact on the welfare state. Other topics concern precarious labour; racialized welfare; the moral economies of migration; EU policy; and alternative migration policies toward social justice. The course also offers insights from research that engages with local, national, regional and global policy.
Course Lecturers:
Elena Bogdanova, University of Gothenburg
Peo Hansen, Linköping University
Kai Koddenbrock, Bard College, Berlin
Karin Krifors, Linköping University
Neferti Xina Tadiar, Barnard College, Columbia University
For further information contact the course leader: Peo Hansen, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How to Apply:
Please fill in the application form directly on your computer: https://www.gu.se/en/study-gothenburg/the-political-economy-of-migration-and-integration

The application, the letter of motivation and a scanned copy of the letter of recommendation should be submitted via e-mail to: Frida Log This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a cc to Peo Hansen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The original letter of recommendation should be sent to:
Linköping University
att: Frida Log IKOS/REMESO
SE-601 74 Norrköping

Theories of Citizenship, Civil Society and Integration

This course starts online with a brief meeting on the 14th of April and lasts until the 23rd of May 2025 with an intensive on-campus week at the University of Gothenburg, 5 - 9 May. Accommodation is covered for admitted PhD students admitted traveling to Gothenburg.
Apply via the link below before 28 February 2025: https://fubasextern.gu.se/fubasextern/info?kurs=SC30020 

Confirmed lecturers:
Gabriella Elgenius, Professor of Sociology, University of Gothenburg.
Kerstin Jacobsson Professor of Sociology, University of Gothenburg.
Juta Kawalerowicz, Senior Lecturer, University of Stockholm.
Anders Neergard, Professor of Sociology at REMESO, Linköping University.
Jenny Phillimore, Professor of Migration and Superdiversity, University of Birmingham.
Peter Scholten, Professor of Migration and Diversity Policy, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Course Description:
The course examines key theoretical debates around citizenship, integration and civil society. Citizenship rights are analysed in the tensions between formal rights, structures that grant or deny rights, and substantial rights that refer to security, prejudice, and mechanisms enforcing citizenship rights. We analyze post-national, supranational, cosmopolitan, and transnational citizenship models – beyond and below the level of the nation-state and models of integration. The course looks at how integration, a much-critiqued concept, is increasingly contingent on indicators such as language skills, getting a job, etc., and also highlights highlights intersections between migration class/ethnicity/gender and racialization in the understanding of models of citizenship, integration, and incorporation.
About the Graduate School in Migration and Integration:
The Graduate School’s courses are offered to PhD students.
5 weeks full-time work for 7,5 ECTS and one intensive week at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the University of Gothenburg
All courses are taught in English.
Courses are examined by a paper assignment.
Accommodation is provided free to PhD students admitted to the courses (travelling to Gothenburg).
Other relevant links:

Postgraduate Studies Administrator: Irene Carlensberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Course Director: Gabriella Elgenius, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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