Past Events
Videos, reports, photo galleries from past workshops, conferences and other events.

27 October, 2021, 16:00-17:30 BST (online)
This event is the first of a workshop series on the theme of exploring novel ways to do migration research. Inspired by the necessity to pave the way for more coherent methodological guidance in migration research, the organisers have put together a...
27 October, 2021 (online)
Migration Research Center at Koc University (MiReKoc) is pleased to invite you to participate in a special webinar titled "Revisiting the Turkish Migration to Germany: After 60 Years" to assess and evaluate the 60th anniversary of the labor agreement...

June 29 - July 1, 2022, Oslo (Hybrid)
Migration and Time: Temporalities of Mobility, Governance, and Resistance
Conference portal Migration is intertwined with time in myriad ways and at multiple scales. In individual lives, migration propels change over time and entails engagement with personal pasts and futures. Time and temporalities are structuring migration...
7-8 October, 2021 , online
We invite you to join us for the Ethics and Privacy of Big Data Use for Migration Research Workshop, which will be held fully online on 7-8 October 2021. This workshop has been organised by the HumMingBird consortium (Enhanced Migration Measures from a...

We are very happy to invite you to GenSeM's first online symposium. Over two days, we will discuss the gendered nature of social boundaries, ways individuals of migrant backgrounds have challenged them, and how art can become a way to express belonging...
With this webinar - the second in a series of UNIC Seminars - hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam, we will delve into the topic of Superdiverse Post-Industrial Cities. The webinar will feature Prof. Paul van de Laar and will focus on the city of...
Deadline: 10 June - 2021
We invite contributions for the joint online workshop "Ethics of Big Data for Migration Research" organised by the HumMingBird consortium (Enhanced Migration Measures from a Multidimensional Perspective, H2020 project - GA 870661), the SoBigData++...
Webinar: 22 April 2021, 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm
The webinar discusses the major trends concerning migration to Italy and Europe, as illustrated by the 26th Annual Report on Migrations, the ISMU Foundation’s flagship publication.
Event: 19 April - 2021
Within the framework of the AGREP project, GRITIM-UPF invites you to participate in a reflexive session on the relationship between research and action in the studies of vulnerable and marginalized groups, for example migrants and racialized minorities...
Seminar: 15 April - 2021
Submit the paper and then what? - uncovering the refereeing and editorial systems from the publisher’s perspective