Fully-Funded PhD Position in Migration Studies

Employment as Research Fellow at the Department for Migration and Globalization of the University of Krems  (3 years, 30hrs/week)


The advertised position is part of the FWF project “Migration as Morality Politics” coordinated by Prof. Julia Mourão Permoser. This project  investigates the contentious politics of sanctuary in Europe and the United States. By sanctuary we understand practices by local governments and civil society organizations that aim to provide unauthorized migrants with a safe space where they can be shielded from immigration law enforcement. The project investigates three types of sanctuary: sanctuary cities, sanctuary churches (or other places of worship), and sanctuaries created  along or near international borders by NGOs that seek to protect those who are trying to cross the border.

 For more information, please visit this page.

 Application Deadline: 31 August 2023