News from Members
Integrating international students in local (student) communities. A theory-to-practice perspective Guest editor: Christof Van Mol (Tilburg University, the Netherlands)
The Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Luxembourg is currently looking for a Postdoc (3-year position) starting 1 May 2018.
Where: KU Leuven, Belgium, September 13-14, 2018. Leaving Europe. Alternative Routes of Out/Upward Mobility.
Where: Malmö University. The position is placed at the Faculty of Culture and Society, Department of Global Political Studies and managed by the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM).
Where: University of Geneva, Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite)
Where: WissenschaftsForum Berlin Workshop: “Family Migration Processes in a Comparative Perspective: Causes, Patterns, Effects”.
The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity) wishes to appoint highly qualified candidates for up to four new research positions at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. For all the...
Where: 15th Annual Imiscoe Conference, Barcelona, 2-4 July, 2018 Intergenerational Feedback (IF) – PhD sessions in Barcelona 2018
The Standing Committee on Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation (MIGCITPOL) is one of the longstanding IMISCOE research groups. Standing Committees involve research clusters that have been established for a longer period of time, and have a...
Where: Thessaloniki, Greece Conference: Refugee and Migrant Crisis: New challenges of integration - 25 June – 3 July 2018