The Institute of Public Administration and Leiden University College, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, has a vacancy for a Post-doctoral Researcher on the Governance of Social Citizenship and Migration (1.0 fte) Research programme: Social...

The Satellite Seminar Jean Monnet Chair European Migration Studies on “ Consumption of Cultural Goods for Migrants Integration ” (CUCOMINT) will take place online from April 7 to May 6, 2022. It includes presentations from renowned culture and migration...
30 March, 2022
Call for Applications by Ukrainian Scholars Scholars and scientists directly affected by the war in Ukraine can be included in ongoing FWF research projects throughout Austria with immediate effect through an expedited application process. We are...
IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) wants to express its deep concern about lives in Ukraine. The Russian invasion of a sovereign country – contravening values of international law, human rights and global justice – has triggered a...
This annual Seminar Series is hosted by the UCLan Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile (MIDEX), and aims at developing in-depth, state-of-the-art, and impactful analysis of cultural, linguistic, political, social, socio-legal and historical...
16 March, 2022
Registration is open for the IMISCOE Spring Conference 2022 PhD activities!
7 March, 2022
Since 2020, EuroMedMig will continue to produce and publish an Annual Report which most notably includes the progress made that year within its Main Pillars: Research Excellence, Advanced Training and Policy, and Social Dialogues.
Shanthi Robertson spoke to podcast co- producer Jolynna Sinanan about the intersection of temporality and movement. Listen to the entire interview on The Migration Podcast.
Deadline: 1 March, 2022
Are you a PhD candidate or early career researcher that works on developing, critiquing, or renewing migration research methods? Or do you have a recent experience doing migration research that highlights challenges or benefits of certain methods and...
Deadline: 15 March, 2022
We are delighted to invite proposals for the CESSMIR Conference “Contemporary forms of racism and discrimination”, that will take place 18 - 21 September 2022 at Ghent University, in Belgium.