I found out about the IMISCOE PhD Network during the 15th annual IMISCOE conference in Barcelona. It wasn’t really clear to me what it was about.
It is only last year, during the 16th annual IMISCOE conference in Malmo that I discovered the several working groups of the IMISCOE PhD Network run by dedicated doctoral students studying migration. I was also told that the aim of the IMISCOE PhD Network is not only to contribute to the academic development of fellow PhD students studying complex migration-related issues but also build a community of junior and senior scholars who can support each other transnationally. Persuaded, I decided to join one of the IMISCOE PhD Network’s working groups. Since September 2019, I have been contributing to the organisation of the PhD activities for the 17th IMISCOE Conference in Luxemburg (30th June – 2nd July). In this blog, I will show you why you don’t want to miss out on these activities!
The PhD assembly, Tuesday 30th June, 9.00-9.45 (If you arrive at 8.00, there is breakfast!)
The PhD activities are preceded by the PhD assembly. During the PhD assembly, an overview of what the network is about will be provided, which is great if you are still not very familiar! The coordinators of each of the working groups will also announce the vacancies open for those who would like to become more active in the IMISCOE PhD community. Last but most importantly, the PhD representative of the IMISCOE PhD network, Isabella Trombetta, will discuss the represented work she conducted throughout the year and highlights what has been achieved and future challenges to be taken up by the next, to-be-elected PhD representative. You don’t want to miss it, if you want to be more involved and active in the community!

The Intergenerational Feedback Session, Tuesday 30th June, 13.15-15.15
The intergenerational feedback session is a gem of the IMISCOE PhD Network. If you would like to receive feedback on your research project or advice on your future career plans, you should attend. During the intergenerational feedback session, PhD students are connected with experienced scholars working in similar field from whom they will receive feedback. Maria Shaidrova , the coordinator of the Networking Group, explains why she considers this session important: “As PhD students, we know how rare it is to receive individualised feedback from senior scholars outside our universities, which is however important to gain fresh perspectives on our work”. If you are thinking of joining this session, please note that participation is based on call and the deadline had been postponed to March 15th. Hurry up!

Peer-to-Peer Academic Speed-Dating, Wednesday 1st July, 18.15-19.45
As social scientists, we are all aware of the importance of peer-to-peer learning. This is why we are launching the Peer-to-Peer Academic Speed Dating for the very first time! This moderated session aims to provide a space for PhD students to present and receive feedback from peers as well as to practice and showcase their skills to present research concisely (only 5 minutes presentations!) to a diverse audience. Most importantly, the idea behind the academic speed dating is also to provide further opportunities for networking among PhD students while continuing building the IMISCOE PhD Community. If you are curious to find out whether this new activity will be successful or not…come along!
Workshops: Teaching, Publishing, and Dissertation, Tuesday 29th June, starting at 9.00
There’s more to it. PhD students need more than feedback on their research. PhD students often are expected to teach, which is why the IMSICOE PhD network has organised a workshop discussing tips on how to teach controversial migration and integration issues. PhD students are also expected to publish. Yet, getting published is art, a necessary art in this ‘publish-or-perish’ climate. This is why among the PhD activities there is a workshop entirely dedicated on the process of publishing. Finally, a third workshop is dedicated to discussing how to write a sound and strong doctoral dissertation. What are you waiting for?
A Final Note
Thus far, participating both in the activities offered by the IMISCOE PhD Network as well as helping organise some of these have been for me an enriching and valuable experience. Yes, I did acquire new skills and knowledge. Yet, what feels the most rewarding is the feeling of being part of a transnational community passionate about migration made up of students with fresh and critical insights in addition to the friendships that emerge by being part of this community. I hope I have convinced you to participate. For the sceptical ones, just come along and prove me wrong!

Domiziana Turcatti is a DPhil Student in Migration Studies at the Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford. Her doctoral research focuses on the experiences of the families of onward Colombian migrants who moved from Spain to London. Her investigation is based on a multi-sited ethnography to be conducted in London, Madrid, and Barcelona which includes the perspectives of onward Colombian migrants and their family members, both adults and adolescents. Domiziana completed her MPhil in Sociology at the University of Cambridge in July 2019 with a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. During her MPhil, Domiziana investigated the experiences of Latin American parents in London. Prior to moving to the UK, Domiziana completed her BA in Liberal Arts and Science at Amsterdam University College, where for three years she ventured to understand the educational experiences and the peer culture of Moroccan-Dutch youth in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
DPhil Candidate in Migration Studies, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford