Call for papers: The Sociology of External Voting

Call for papers:
The Sociology of External Voting: Congress of the French Political Science Association (AFSP). 
Aix-en-Provence (F), 22-24 June 2015

Conveners : Thibaut Jaulin (CERI/Sciences Po) & Jean-Michel Lafleur

(CEDEM/Université de Liège)

This thematic section aims at confronting original research on external voting. This practice has received increasing scholarly attention in recent years as researchers interested in transnational migration have shown that, besides money, migrant are able remit norms, values and practices (Levitt, 1998). Even though international organizations often associate external voting with democratization, the practice is not exempt of issues such as strong abstention and corporatism (Itzigsohn et Villacrés, 2008).

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