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We are happy to announce the next session by Sarah Kunz, University of Essex. The talk will take place on June 14, 10 AM Lisbon-London time / 11 AM Paris time. Sarah will present her new book and her presentation will be followed by a short debate...
May 25th 2023
August 27th – September 2nd 2023 Prague, Faculty of Science, Charles University Geographic Migration Centre – GEOMIGRACE , a research institute affiliated with the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles...
28 May 2023, 12:00 noon (CET)
International Summer School in Ethnography: Palazzo di Sociologia - Via Verdi 26, Trento 5 September 2023- 8 September 2023, University of Trento. Theoretically-informed ethnographic research offers a distinctive and unique approach. The Trento Summer...
June 30, h. 23.59 CET
As of the end of July, one position as PhD representative in MigPoG Steering Board will be vacant. The PhD board position is rotating at a bi-annual basis, running from 1st of August to 31st of July, for two full years. As Dorothea´s time as PhD...
15 May 2023
Cities and International Migration: Themes, Concepts, Approaches 17 July – 28 July, Rumelifeneri Campus, Koç University, Istanbul The Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) will host the BROAD-ER International Summer School 2023 entitled...
The IMISCOE Standing Committee MITRA is cordially inviting you to the online book presentation "(Im)mobile Homes: family life at a distance in the age of mobile media" by Earvin Charles B. Cabalquinto who is currently ARC DECRA Research Fellow and...
2 June, 2023
The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen (Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity) is seeking to appoint a research fellow (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter*in) (m/f/d). The position is for two years with an...
31 May 2023
CERC migration is looking for expressions of interest from qualified production companies and/or documentary/filmmakers to produce a short film of approx. 30-minute duration on highly skilled migrants’ and international students’ decision to migrate to...
MigPoG’s discussions: Where PhDs and scholars of the Network meet Call for Excerpts MigPog is organizing an online session where its members can meet, discuss and receive feedback from other members. Are you a PhD student or Early-Career Researcher...
This multidisciplinary course will provide you with insight into relevant issues on the topic of migrant inclusion across three domains: economic inclusion, social inclusion, and migrants’ access to public services, healthcare and housing. Through...