10 October 2023
Panel submission to the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lisbon (and online), 02-05 July 2024 Panel Abstract “Encounters, transitions, and struggles in refugees’ rights, policies, and studies: A call for a relational praxis in the field” This panel calls...
The 8th conference on migration research in Austria is aimed at researchers from all disciplines and fields of study who are working on migration and integration. The topic of the 8 th conference is Global Inequalities, (Im)Mobilities and Migration...
During the annual IMISCOE conference in Lisbon (2024) the newly formed Standing Committee Race, Racism and Discrimination (RACED) wants to support research presentations and panel sessions that are relevant for its agenda and its goal to centralize and...
Call for panels and papers by SC RACED During the annual IMISCOE conference in Lisbon (2024) the newly formed Standing Committee Race, Racism and Discrimination (RACED) wants to support research presentations and panel sessions that are relevant for its...
Panel Submission to the 21st IMISCOE annual conference on Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn, Lisbon (and online), 02-05 July 202 Panel Abstract “Intermigrant” dynamics: Practices of racism and solidarity This panel seeks to explore...
Wednesday 20 September 12-13.00 (BST)
The talk studies the entangled exploitation of human labor and natural resources in the early 19th-century Caribbean through the lens of selected slave narratives from the region. The exploitation of enslaved Africans as a cheap human labor force in the...
The registration is open until 29th Oct.
Registration open! 2023 VSJF Annual Conference 3rd-5th Nov. in Berlin (JDZB) This year’s VSJF (German Association for Social Science Research on Japan) Conference theme is “Labor and (im)mobility in Japan and East and Southeast Asia: Transnational,...
We are happy to announce the launch of IMISCOE Standing Committee Race, Racism and Discrimination (RACED) which aims to create a forum for researchers to engage in interdisciplinary conversations conceptualizing and empirically studying racial...
We are happy to announce the launch of IMISCOE Standing Committee Race, Racism and Discrimination (RACED) which aims to create a forum for researchers to engage in interdisciplinary conversations conceptualizing and empirically studying racial...
Considerations and Implications of Transnationalism in Migration and Inclusion Policies Call for papers for panel proposal for IMISCOE 2024 Lisbon Migrants’ transnational ties have been long documented. There is rich evidence mapping out the diverse...