7-8 November 2023
Call for Papers: Workshop on Anti-Racism in Education, 7-8 November 2023, Amsterdam The ongoing and pervasive impact of intersectional and multilayered racism on the members of minoritized communities has recently opened wider public, media, and...
The Standing Committee Education and Social Inequality is involved in a number of sessions at the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2022 in Oslo - below is a list. We look forward to interesting papers and debates! We want to highlight especially the hybrid...
The Standing Committee Education and Social Inequality is involved in a number of sessions at the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2023 in Warsaw - below is a list. We look forward to interesting papers and debates! We want to highlight especially the hybrid...
THE DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF SOCIOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW invites applications for one full-time position of Assistant Professor (research) for a definite period INSTITUTION: Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw CITY: Warsaw, Poland...
The call for members for the IMISCOE PhD Academy has now opened and closes 21 August 2023. The IMISCOE PhD Academy aims to provide targeted migration research specific training and networking opportunities for PhD students within the broad field of...
The Department of Sociology at the University of Trento has opened three new positions for Assistant Professors (RTD-B, tenured): two in general sociology and one in African Studies. You can find the details below. Assistant Professor in General...
16-17 October 2023 | Malmö University
Workshop on Climate-Induced Migration New Perspectives and Methodological Innovations 16-17 October 2023 | Malmö University, Sweden Climate change (interlinked with poverty, conflict, epidemics, and other humanitarian crises) could lead to internal...
21 June 2023
This talk will shed some light on a poorly-known country, Lithuania. Although its population has been significantly decreasing, the academic literature is largely silent – even that of the UK, the prime destination of Lithuanian emigrants. In my...
“A New House for Migration Research and Exchange for PhD Students” We are pleased to announce a call for applications for the coordination team of the IMISCOE PhD Network: PhD Buddy System, a new house for migration research and exchange for PhD...
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Tübingen, 14-15th September 2023 Organized by: Iva Dodevska, Stefan Manser-Egli, Boris Nieswand, Anja Weiß Increased reflexivity in migration research has changed the focus and identity of migration studies. Since...