Standing Committees

Standing Committees involve research clusters that have been established for a longer period of time, and have a broad programme of activities and a broad audience that they serve within IMISCOE.

Reflexivities in Migration Studies

Key Questions

For what underlying structural reasons did migration research have such a success these last decades?

Why is migration so often presented in politics, in public or in the media as a direct threat to sovereignty and national identity and welfare states?

How could we study migration without turning it into a problem?

How come we develop theories in what we would call the migration container? Assimilation or integration theory? Are migrants à priori and per se so different that we need a special field and special theories for them, beyond what we have in terms of theories and concepts in social sciences?

How are the interpretations we do have on migration related to our position of power? Why are most researchers white and European? Why is it only recently that migration scholar included ‘race’ or in general, post-colonial theories and concepts into their studies?

The aim of this standing committee is to push forward a reflexive (and self-reflexive) perspective within migration studies. Given the growth, relevance and responsibility of migration studies, we strive to promote reflexivity in our research and to investigate on how the field of migration studies has emerged. Being reflexive in these two senses involves investigating how knowledge on migration is produced, circulated and utilized – both by us as researchers as well by other actors in the field.

This endeavour tackles the embeddedness of the field of migration studies in wider societal and power relations and the risk to reproduce hegemonic structures. Hence, studying knowledge production cannot be separated from studying eurocentrism, racism, situated positions of researchers, or contested public debates on “truth” or “fake-news”. Studying knowledge circulation requires examining patterns of knowledge utilization in policy, politics, or state institutions. Equally important is to analyse the transfer of migration-related knowledge produced by other actors, like mass media, so-called migrants themselves, civil society actors, international organizations, or social science disciplines.

For migration studies as field of research, becoming reflexive changes its positionality. The reflexive approach that we pursue emphasizes the boundedness of knowledge about migration to specific epistemological, methodological and political modes of knowledge production. The awareness that modes of conceiving and researching migration are inevitably historical and theoretically contingent shall feed back into the ways of how knowledge is produced. Consequently, the objectives of this SC are to

  • promote reflexivity amongst migration scholars
  • provide a platform for research on knowledge production, circulation and utilization in migration studies
  • address the risk of migration studies of reproducing hegemonic structures and problem definitions
  • develop alternatives in theory, empirical research and science-society dialogues.

Names of coordinators

Anna-Lisa Müller

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Names and institutional affiliations of (key) members

Institutional leadership of the standing committee is at IMIS, Osnabrück University, Germany.

The standing committee is managed by two directors and a governing board.


Janine Dahinden

University of Neuchâtel , Switzerland

Andreas Pott

Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Germany

Further members of the governing board

Iva Dodevska

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium


Olena Fedyuk

Prof. Halleh Ghorashi

Dr Marta Kindler

University of Warsaw, Poland

Kesi Mahendran

British Psychological Society - Political Psychology Section, United Kingdom

Stefan Manser-Egli

University of Fribourg, Switzerland


Maissam Nimer

Istanbul University, Turkey

Dr Ann Singleton

Gunjan Sondhi

The Open University, United Kingdom

Apply for Reflex_studies

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Join this Standing Committee

Subscribe to the Reflex_studies newsletter

The newsletter of the Standing Committee is sent out about four times per year and provides you with information on events, people, jobs and other interesting stuff. You can subscribe here - you do not have to be member of the Standing Committee to subscribe to the newsletter.

Agenda of activities

In the upcoming years, we will particularly focus on:

  1. Histories, theories and methodologies of migration studies
  2. Migration knowledge production by actors outside academia
  3. Reflection on practices of data production in migration studies and development of new and different forms of data production


Based on these activities and the work of the colleagues involved, the Standing Committee intends

  1. to establish ‘Reflexivities in Migration Studies’ as part of the curriculum of the history and theory of the discipline; to contribute to the theory of migration studies; to reflect on the role of commissioned research for the epistemologies, history and theories of migration studies; to de-center and re-position European migration research within global contexts;
  2. to investigate forms of ‘migranticization’ in terms of knowledge production, utilization and circulation by different actors such as state institutions, activists, policy makers and researchers, social scientist experts, and the role of mass (and social) media as distributors of this knowledge;
  3. to enhance competences in reflexivity regarding data production (both qualitative and quantitative approaches) relating to the identified (potential) problems

Recent and Future Activities

Recent workshops and conferences:

Future workshops and conferences:

More is soon to come!

Panels and workshops at IMISCOE’s Annual Conferences:

  • 2024 @ IMISCOE's Hybrid Conference in Lisbon, Portugal: workshop on "Decentering migration studies" (part 1 on Wed July 3, 14:50–16:20, Session #106; part 2 on Wed July 3, 16:40–18:10, Session #132); workshop on "Mainstreaming reflexivity: Potentials, challenges and pitfalls" (Thu July 4, 10:50–12:20, Session #194); book launch "Reflexivities in Migration Studies" (Wed July 3, 09:00–10:30, Session #63)
  • 2023 @ IMISCOE's Hybrid Conference in Warsaw, Poland: session on "Reflexive practices that unsettle bordering in migration (studies)" and on "The practice of reflexivities in research"
  • 2022 @ IMISCOE's Hybrid Conference in Oslo, Norway: sessions on "Positionality and power of migration researchers: Searching for reflexive ways of knowledge production".
  • 2021 @ IMISCOE's Online Conference: Session on challenges in "Reflexivities in Migration Studies. Pitfalls and Alternatives", taking place on Friday, 9 July, 8-11:15ampm (sessions #185 & 212). Please see the panel's description here.
  • 2020 @ IMISCOE's Online Conference: Roundtable Discussion on challenges in "Reflexive Migration Studies", taking place on Wednesday, 1 July, 2-3:30pm (session no 12). Please see the panel's description here.

 Here you find a glimpse of our work, summarizing our kick-off meeting in January 2020.


Call closed Vacancy Announcement: SC Reflexivities PhD Representative! 

The IMISCOE Standing Committee „Reflexivities in Migration Studies” is calling for applications for the role of PhD representative in the governing board, to begin in October 2024. Being a PhD representative gives you the opportunity to shape the future directions of the SC through taking an active part in board meetings (4 times a year online) and in coordinating current and future PhD-targeted activities of the SC (such as peer feedback sessions and writing retreats). In addition, you will have a say in the broader IMISCOE PhD community where you will represent our SC in the PhD Network meetings (during annual and spring conferences). This is an exciting opportunity for anyone who wants to be more involved in the IMISCOE network, sees the importance of critical and reflexive research methods, and has ideas on how to enhance migration-related knowledge production through reflexivity. The ideal candidate will be in at least the second year of their PhD and have at least one year before finishing their PhD.

If you are interested and/or have any further inquiries regarding the role as PhD representative, please send a brief letter describing your background, motivation and – ideally – some ideas on future activities relevant for our PhD members to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 22 September 2024. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

About us: SC Reflexivities in Migration Studies seeks to raise awareness that Migration Studies as a research field is shaped by wider societal and power relations rooted in colonial and nationalist histories. Given the political hype around migration and the parallel growth, relevance and impact of Migration Studies, we draw attention to the role we, as researchers, have in cementing or challenging harmful societal discourses that see migration through the prism of “crisis”, “threat”, or a problem to be “managed”. Our principal focus is to rethink and critically investigate the embeddedness of migration research in specific epistemological, methodological and political modes of knowledge production. The objectives of this SC are to:

  • promote reflexive migration scholarship
  • provide a platform for research on knowledge production, circulation and utilization in migration research
  • address the risk of Migration Studies reproducing and cementing hegemonic discourses, harmful categories and problem definitions
  • develop alternative, emancipatory ways of producing knowledge on mobility and diversity.

Going on: Online Writing Retreat on Reflexivities in Migration Studies

Are you working on a project in the field of Migration Studies and seeking a supportive and collaborative space to boost your writing productivity? Join the online writing retreat hosted by the Standing Committee "Reflexivities in Migration Studies". The online writing retreat offers a unique opportunity for researchers, scholars, and students to come together and engage in focused writing sessions.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 Online Space: We've set up a dedicated online space that's open around the clock, allowing you to dive into your writing whenever inspiration strikes or your schedule permits. This ensures that you have continuous access to the retreat's resources and can remain in touch with the community at all times.

  • Weekly Online Sessions: To ensure focused writing times, we will continue to meet for two 2-hour open online sessions, allowing participants from around the world to conveniently join and contribute (Our current session times are: Thursdays, 14-16:00 CET and Friday, 13-15:00 CET).

  • Once a month Sessions: Once a month we will host extended inputs focusing on topics such as writing support, tools, and materials (either before or after the 2-hour session).

  • Resource Sharing: An exclusive online material sharing platform has been set up specifically for the retreat. Here, participants can easily access a variety of writing materials and share pertinent documents with each other, fostering a collaborative and resource-rich environment.

How to Participate:

To be a part of the Online Writing Retreat, simply contact Paul and Orsolya: Paul (Paul.Schreiber[at] or Orsolya (Orsolya.Polyacsko[at]

Going on: Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. IV (Winter 2024)

After previous great rounds of PhD Peer Feedback Sessions on Reflexivities in Migration Studies, we are now launching a fourth call to continue the sessions into the winter semester!
Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. IV (Winter 2024)

Organized by PhD members of the IMISCOE Standing Committee "Reflexivities in Migration Studies", these sessions are designed to be a collaborative platform. Here, early career researchers can present their work, exchange feedback, debate methodological and theoretical challenges, and expand their networks with peers interested in reflexive migration research. This is a supportive environment for young scholars eager to explore alternative research approaches, mindful of the power dynamics in knowledge production about migration and striving to de-nationalize and de-migranticize studies of mobility and diversity.

We warmly invite PhDs and early career researchers contributing to Reflexivities in Migration Studies to express their interest in presenting, discussing, or participating in other capacities in our online sessions.

Session Schedule: 
We will be holding sessions once a month on Thursdays, from 2-4 pm (CET) The specific dates are:

•    03.10.2024
•    07.11.2024
•    05.12.2024
•    30.01.2025

Registration Options:

• 15-minute presentations in a format of your choice.
• Topics can include research pieces, dissertation drafts, draft articles, methodological dilemmas, etc.
• Initial abstract submission (max 200 words) is required for thematic organization. Abstracts can be revised later; early drafts/ideas are encouraged.
• Priority will be given to presentations with a reflexive research approach in case of high interest.

• Provide critical, respectful, and constructive feedback on a fellow presenter's work.
• 10 minutes for feedback during the session, with the option to provide written feedback.
• Your role as a discussant is crucial for mutual growth and development.

• Join the sessions as an observer, with the hope that you'll engage through questions and comments.
• Registration will add you to our mailing list for session dates and links.
• Membership in SC Reflexivities or IMISCOE is not required for participation. All are welcome to present and/or be a discussant.

Registration Deadline: 31.08.2024. Please use this online form for registration. For further inquiries and updates, feel free to contact Paul (Paul.Schreiber [ at ]

We look forward to a fruitful exchange!


Just published: blog series on Reflexive Migration Studies

Organised by our co-director Janine Dahinden , the contributions in this blog address Reflexive Migration Studies and critically discuss its development over the past two decades. The blog series is a collaboration between the Standing Committee and the nccr – on the move.

Contributions published so far:

Twenty Years of ‘Reflexive’ Migration Studies: Introduction to the Blog Series

Migration and Methodological Amnesia

Why Mobility Matters to Social Policy

Academic Engagement for Refugees’ Inclusion Beyond Good Intentions

A Reflexive Perspective on Privileged Migration Studies. What’s the Point?

Immigrant Researching versus Immigration Research

The Complicity of Culturalist Knowledge Production

What’s Sex Got to Do With It? Migration Studies Meets Sexualities

From Objects to Subjects: Expanding Reflexivity in Migration Studies

Recent event: Online workskop “Integrating Reflexivities into Survey Research”

organised by the IMISCOE Standing Committees Reflexivities in Migration Studies and Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research (Meth@Mig)

On 30 January 2023, the online workshop on "Integrating Reflexivities into Survey Research" was carried out with two keynote speakers: Jessica Hagen-Zanker, ODI and Laura Morales, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po and the following contributions:

  • A mixed methods approach to measuring naturalization preferences - Franziska Maier (University of Stuttgart)
  • Using national household surveys to measure the reproductive health of displaced populations: the case of Iraq - Rossanna Le Voir (London School of Economics and Political Science)
  • Decolonisation in the quantitative methods classroom - Rima Saini (Middlesex University London)
  • Mapping quali-quantification pathways from open interview to closed survey – the case of the Migration-Mobility Continuum - Kesi Mahendran (Open University) and Nicola Magnusson (Open University)
  • From movers to migrants: impact of the end of free movement on EU citizens in the UK - Mariña Fernandez Reino (University of Oxford) & Madeleine Sumption (the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford)

This workshop aimed to facilitate discussions across the qualitative/quantitative divide. As migration scholars, we often rely on survey research, be it as researchers collecting primary data or working with existing surveys conducting secondary analysis. When conducting original surveys there is an opportunity to think reflexively about the consequences of the categories (including official categories) we are using. When engaging in secondary analysis migration scholars must rely on the existing categories of survey-based work. However, there are often opportunities to be creative and transformative within the secondary analysis. Survey research, as any other type of research, is an art of itself. It requires pragmatism, expertise and consideration of a series of issues that arise at the various stages of survey design, implementation and data analysis. This workshop created a space for reflexive discussion about survey research. It aims to identify and understand the challenges and opportunities of creating reflexive approaches to survey research in migration studies.

The discussion was moderated by Justyna Salamońska (Kozmiński University) & Marta Kindler (University of Warsaw).

Recent event: webinar session "Racism at the Border"

On 29 April 2022 we had our anti-racism webinar which actively engaged with questions of racism at the borders of Europe with Kamila Fiałkowska (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw) and Katarzyna Czarnota (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): Racism at the border.

At Poland’s Eastern border we witness since February 2022 two separate processes. On the southern part of this border, with Ukraine, people fleeing the war can enter practically without restrictions, are provided with humanitarian aid, and received with great solidarity.  In parallel on the northern part of the border, other people fleeing military conflict, war and other atrocities, face “fortress Europe” in its worst version, with a “no go” zone,  a  wall being built, and people after entering Poland are unable to claim asylum. Those people are not being provided humanitarian aid and forced by border guards to re-enter again Belarus. The source of this double-standard border regime in Poland, with a clear preference for “whiteness” and “Christianity”, has its origin in the current government stand on the so-called “refugee crisis” from 2015 and a politically mobilised Islamophobia. This webinar brings together activists and academics to discuss within IMISCOE the criminalisation of non-European migrants as well as criminalisation of humanitarian aid. We aim to consider the role of academia, use of language, categories of analysis and critically the use of the “state of emergency” as a tool for racism and social divisions.

Kamila Fiałkowska is a researcher at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw. Her research focuses on migration from Poland, inequalities, gender, religion and national and ethnic identities of migrants from Poland. Since the border and humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarussian border she has been involved in the work of the research collective, Researchers at the Border.

Katarzyna Czarnota is a sociologist and PhD candidate at the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM). In her research she uses critical action research, concentrating on methods of connecting theory and practice and preparation of models of knowledge production based on the questioning of current role divisions. She conducted research in Jordan, Greece, Turkey and the so called ‘Balkan Trail’. In recent years she conducted interdisciplinary research projects around the so called “refugee crisis”, housing, gentrification, neorealism, violence against people who have been refugees before and migration. She works at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and is a member of the NGO Coalition “Grupa Granica”.

The discussion was moderated by the Standing Committee's board member Marta Kindler, WSNSiR and CMR University of Warsaw. About 55 people participated in the webinar.

A report on the event will be published soon here on our website.

Recent event: Conference "Migration Studies and Social Theory: Problematizing Ontologies, De-Centering Migration"

Increased reflexivity in migration research (e.g. in regard to the construction of social categories like ‘migrant’, ‘refugee’ or ‘migration background’) has changed the focus and identity of migration studies. Since migration-related differences are no longer seen as ‘natural’, it seems less self-evident and legitimate to treat migration or migrants as an exception to ‘normal sedentary life’. Thus, migration and migration studies are de-centered. Relativizing and complexifying difference draws attention to the ordinariness of migrations and migrants in many realms of social life. In consequence, migration studies cease to differ from other fields of social research. How can de-centering transform the ‘epistemic object’ of migration studies in a manner that pushes migration studies forward, i.e. out of its sociological niche in order to mainstream ‘the migration question’? How can we both de-migranticize migration studies and migranticize social theory?

Following this line of thinking, this conference revisits the question of what migration studies can and should achieve after the reflexive turn. It aims at bringing together research perspectives that do not marginalise mobile, legally excluded, and symbolically othered populations but ask for the role they – and the research on them – play in the reproduction and/or contestation of social order(s). We aim to bring together and discuss conceptual foci and research results that contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of society of which migration and mobility are integral. As we take stock of how the reflexive turn has transformed the ways ‘migration’ is researched, we hope to open a way towards novel theory-making beyond groupism and migrant exceptionalism. We are especially interested in whether and how we can build theory by bringing reflexive migration research in dialogue with wider social theories. Therefore, theoretical and conceptual contributions, especially in their connection with empirical research (design), are especially encouraged. We welcome contributions that address the following and related questions:

  • How can we approach migration-related phenomena from the vantage point of more general social theories?

  • What kind of theoretical or methodological innovations did the reflexive turn stimulate or should stimulate in the future?

  • How do these depart from both mainstream ‘Migration Studies’ and more general social research to produce knowledge that neither exceptionalises nor invisibilises ‘migrants’ and human mobility?

  • How can the circulation of concepts, thoughts and approaches between social theory and migration studies lead to theoretical innovation?

  • Which ontologies inform our reflexive critiques? How do they relate to each other?

  • What is the relationship of reflexive migration scholarship to the ‘critical lenses’ on society? What does reflexivity add to critical research, and how can the two be distinguished?

Format: We aim for a conference where brief presentations will be followed by in-depth discussions. To facilitate fruitful exchange, the distribution of short papers (3-5 pages) in advance of the conference is strongly encouraged.

The conference took place on 14-15 September 2023 at the University of Tübingen, Germany.

Organizers: Iva Dodevska (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier & Charles University), Stefan Manser-Egli (University of Neuchâtel), Boris Nieswand (University of Tübingen), Anja Weiß (University of Duisburg-Essen)

The program of the conference is available pdf here (430 KB) .

Standing Committees News

Coming up

17-19 March 2025, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria

2025 IMISCOE Spring Conference

The Regularity of Irregularity: Rethinking Migration Paradigms
Spring Conference

Read more …